Travel and Explore Afghanistan
The Republic of Afghanistan was founded in 1747, when Shah Durrani united in numbers, as well as unified in strength, the Pashtun tribes of South Asia and formed the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. For several centuries, the Republic sat between both the British and Russian Empires, until it literally freed itself from British control in the year 1919. During the l970's there was a great deal of travel to Afghanistan, with "hippies" from around the world dominating the numbers. In i979, the Soviet Union went into Afghanistan in an effort to help establish a Communist rule. A very long, very costly and very destructive war ensued. In 1989, a sense of futility prevailed and Russia withdrew under the intense pressure of the International Community's disagreement with and dislike for Communist principle.
Internal contention between a variety of Afghani groups led to the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in 1994. After September 11, 2001, war ensued due to the Taliban's militant efforts to hide Osama Bin Ladin. U.S. and NATO troops were able to drive out primary numbers of the Taliban, and finally in 2004, Afghanistan was graced with a new constitution and its first President, Hamid Karzai. One year later, a National Assembly was elected. Provincial instability characterizes almost all of Afghanistan's history, and though stability has yet to come to Afghanistan, the future looks brighter, as this country continues on an evolutionary path to democracy.
Afghanistan is a land-locked country about the size of Texas. Its population is approximately 30 billion (Est. 2007) Population growth is at a 2.5% rate, with the world's average being 2%, the U.S. rate at 1.7% and several countries at ZPG (Zero Population Growth), where the birth and death rates equate. The urban population is 1/4th of its total, while the remainder is extremely rural. Afghanistan's climate is also one of extremes. Their winters are unusually cold, and their summers are blistering hot.
Traveling to Afghanistan is very risky today. Air travel to Kabul is the safest way into the country, followed by local air travel for those wishing to see all the truly beautiful sites contained within the country's borders. There are a total of 51 airports, with only 16 of them paved. There are many, fairly safe and luxurious accommodations available in the cities. The cost of these "better" accommodations appear to average 100 US$/day. Air flights into Kabul range from approximately 1000 US$ from Europe to 1800 US$ from the United Sates.
Though "dusty" and "rocky" define most of Afghanistan's landscape, there are also many valleys and lakes, and great religious statuary to be seen when traveling the countryside. The people there continue to create roads from town to town, city to city, in an effort to draw more tourists. Tourism, once again, seems to be Afghanistan's way out of poverty. Focusing their thoughts on the prospects of an increase in the number of tourists and a peaceful future appears to be their greatest hope. |
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