Guayaquil, Ecuador
For travelers who seek a tropical paradise where they can truly get away from the stresses and responsibilities of everyday life, there is no better destination than Guayaquil, Ecuador. The city is built on a beautiful location near the Pacific Ocean and provides picture perfect scenery, relaxing beaches, and a variety of entertainment for visitors of all ages and from all places.
Guayaquil is the largest and most populated city in all of Ecuador with an estimated population of 3.3 million at the beginning of 2010. The city is also the country's main port and is one of the largest trade and economic centers in South America. The Ecuadorian economy depends and small and medium businesses, as well as agriculture, fishing, trade, and tourism. Thought the unemployment rate is high and many locals struggle to earn a decent living, most travelers would not notice this from the people because of how friendly and accepting the locals are of foreigners.
Guayaquil was discovered by Spanish Conquistadors in 1538 and has a rich history. Prior to the arrival of Spain, a small native village was already located at Guayaquil and by 1700 the small village had been transformed into a thriving town with over 10,000 residents. During the late 1600s and early 1700s the city was the location of many pirate battles and Guayaquil was attacked several times by various warriors of the seas. In 1820, Guayaquil declared its Independence from Spain and the country of Ecuador was soon a sovereign nation. Today, the city has been entirely remodeled to attract tourists from all across the globe. Many historic buildings have been destroyed but the city's leaders have approved vast expansions of the local parks, levees, and tourist districts in order to transform itself into an international travel destination.
The climate of Guayaquil is a tropical savanna. This means that the region is very warm and typically high in humidity through the year. Because of the nation's location near the equator the temperature does not vary much throughout the year. The average annual maximum temperature is 30 degrees Celsius and the average minimum temperature is about 21 degrees Celsius. The city experiences heavy rains from January until April and only minimal precipitation the remainder of the year.
Guayaquil truly is a beautiful destination that can be enjoyed by visitors from different cultures, backgrounds, and ages. Visitors will enjoy learning about the Ecuadorian culture and history, as well as tasting the delicious Guayaquil cuisine. Because of the large fishing industry, visitors will enjoy the fresh fish, shrimp, and seafood that local restaurants offer. For tourists who don't crave seafood, restaurants offer a wide variety of local and foreign meals that are sure to satisfy all visitors.
Guayaquil is a relaxing and exciting destination for all travelers who are looking to get away from and enjoy the world. |
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