A crystal blue ocean, sandy beaches, beautiful reefs, rolling hills, tropical plants, steep cliffs and exotic caverns create a relaxing and fun-filled getaway. Where can one find such a place? San Salvador, Bahamas is a beautiful and exotic island bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. It is a small island approximately six miles wide and twelve miles long. The average temperature is eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Between September and November, the island experiences its rainy season including tropical storms and hurricanes. The main hubbub of San Salvador is Cockburn Town. This is the island's business and government district. The island's Great Lake Preserve is located in the center of the island.
The San Salvador Island has many amazing reefs. Many of them are located in shallow waters so that snorkelers have the opportunity to study and examine hundreds of fish species. Pigeon Creek is an ideal place for snorkeling and shelling. Another place for some great snorkeling is the East Beach located by the United Estates. There are several interesting places to visit on San Salvador. One attraction is the Dixon Hill Lighthouse is a kerosene lighthouse. The lighthouse is powered by four hundred thousand candles. There are only ten in the entire world. Four of them are located in the Bahamas. Another interesting attraction is the New World Museum located in Palmetto Grove. Ruth Durlacher Wolper established the New World Museum in 1958. Visitors can tour the museum that displays artifacts found in the Arawak village, pottery from the Lucayan, and paintings documenting the arrival of Christopher Columbus.
Three attractions that involve the well known Italian explorer Christopher Columbus are the Pigeon Creek Indian Site, the Columbus Monument, and the Chicago Herald Monument. The Pigeon Creek Indian Site is an archaeological site of the Arawak Indians that once lived on the island. It is believed that Christopher Columbus was welcomed by the Arawak Indians when he arrived at the island. The Arawaks believed that Christopher Columbus was a sky god. There is very little left of their culture. The Arawak were captured and enslaved by the Spanish. The Columbus Monument located in Landfall Park in Long Bay. The monument consists of a white cross located on the beach where Christopher Columbus first landed. In 1956, the monument was constructed by Ruth Durlacher Wolper. There is also a monument located on the ocean's bottom where Christopher Columbus anchor was dropped. The Chicago Herald Monument was constructed in 1891 to honor the Christopher Columbus New World discovery. The monument is sphere shaped and made from limestone.
For those who enjoy studying old historical sites, San Salvador has the Watlings Castle and the Farquharson Plantation. The Watlings Castle located in Sandy Point Estates. Visitors to the castle can see the ancient castle including the main house, the storehouses, the cook house and the shelter where slaves were kept. In addition, visitors can take a tour of the Farquharson Plantation. This plantation use to consist of a magnificent home. The ancient plantation also had a prison.
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