Getting There by Air: Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Santiago is the main Gateway airport for Chile and the rest of the world. Chile also offers several other International Airports. Flights arrive daily from Western Europe and the United States as well as through out South America, Central America and South East Asia.
Regular scheduled International air service is provided by:
- Copa Airlines
- American Airlines
- Continental Airlines
- Delta
- United Airlines
- Lan Chile
- Aerolineas Argentinas
- Iberia
- Air Canada
- Alitalia
- British Airways
- Lan Ecuador Airlines
- Lacsa
- Lan Peru
- Star Peru
- TACA Peru
- Quantas
- Air New Zealand
- Air France
Main Airports: Airport name, identifier, city
- Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport (SCL) Santiago
- El Salvador Bajo Airport(ESR) El Salvador
- Alto Palena Las Tobas Airport (WAP) Alto Palena
- Calama El Loa Airport (CJC) Calma,
- Easter Island Mataveri International Airport (IPC) Easter Island (Isla Pascua)
- Santiago Los Cerrillos Airport (ULC) Santiago
Departure Tax: Many countries charge a departure tax to leave the country whether by air or by boat. Check your tickets because in some countries this tax will be included in the ticket such as the Untied States. Most South American and Central American countries will charge a departure tax as you leave the country.
Chile at this time has no departure tax.
Citizens of different countries pay a reciprocity fee according to how much Chileans are charged to process a visa for their country. A Chilean applying for a visa to the USA pays 100 dollars to apply with no guarantee that they will get the visa and they don't get the money returned if they don't. So that is what US citizens pay coming in and it is good for the life of the passport.
Flying Times: Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Santiago to Miami flying time would be about 9 hours, to New York flying time is approximately 11 hours and flights to western Europe run about 14 hours.
Getting There By Water: Chile’s main port is Empremar located in the city of Valparaiso on the Pacific coast is frequented by ships and cruise lines from United States as well as Central America and South America .
Getting there by Train: Peru to the north has train service between Tacna Peru and Arica Chile. Ther is also train service to La Paz Bolivia, often unreliable.
Getting There by Car or Bus: International bus service to adjoining countries are available from the capital of Santiago as well as the major cities through out the country. Beginning in Peru the Pan American highway travels south through Chile. There is also bus service to neighboring Peru, Argentina and Bolivia. Entering from Bolivia is made by way of Lake Titicaca.
It is advised at time of travel to check with your local Embassy on the road conditions and safety in the area of travel.